Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Substantive Discourse

The kind you can only find at the intersection of Obsessive Street & Compulsive Avenue...
WHY!? [Howard HughesJonah Goldberg]

Why do so many public bathrooms have doors that open into the bathroom so that dudes (and dudette's, I suppose) who wash their hands are still forced to touch the handle dripping with the cooties of dudes who don't wash their hands? Why, why, why?

Old observation, I know. But all the more annoying because it's a sign of the enduring travesty that is this state of affairs.

And yes, I do use the paper towel safety mitt method to open the door whenever possible.

Posted at 01:43 PM

Why don't you just go in the bushes like Derb, or eat your own shit like Cliff May?

Besides considering the loins from which you doth done sprouted, I'd imagine you built up so many tolerances and antibodies you should be pretty much safe from all forms of communicable diseases. Ah, satire.

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