Thursday, January 20, 2005

While they Party, things like this happen every day in Iraq

Yesterday I posted a picture of a crying child, bearing the blood of her parents upon her dress, soldiers surrounding her.

The BBC has more information on this incident. One of many that occur each day, a camera crew just happened to be there at this time.

Every day these events occur in Iraq.

While the Chimperor throws himself one party after another, celebrating his "brilliance" and "gravitas" and the fact that in his opinion, all decisions of his are ratified by the election, the results of those decisions continue to cost people their lives.

Young people trying to make life and death decisions in a land filled with people who speak a different language. They are both afraid of each other. The lack of planning, coordination coupled with a miserable policy initiative combine to result in such scenes each and every day, several times a day. Sometimes innocent people do not die, because the right decision is made, but often they do.

And it all is placed upon Bush.

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