Monday, April 10, 2006


Digby with another great catch on Francis Fukuyama's about face today in the LA Times. Yeah, another WATB. Today on Talk of the Nation there was Fukuyama defending his initial position as prudential and that "everybody thought there were WMD." Good lord I wanted to smash the radio. Let me take this moment to thank a self-proclaimed soccer mom from Ohio who set the record straight telling Fukuyama that there were many people who doubted the conventional wisdom naming the UN weapons inspectors, El-Baradei, Scott Ritter, etc. (I hasten to add Hans Blix).

As long as one starts from the premise that there were prudential reasons or that the widely held belief regarding WMD supports the notion that reasonable minds could differ on the subject of war in Iraq, one is kidding himself and not being honest with the camp he left.

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