The welcome Bush received here (Biloxi, MS) was warmer than the one he is expected to get Tuesday — the actual anniversary of Katrina — in Louisiana, where recovery efforts have moved much more slowly.
"There is a division over there," Thomas "Lynn" Patterson, who gave Bush a tour of his new home, said about New Orleans. "There's not the same division over here."
When Bush visited Patterson's neighborhood right after the storm, the 61-year-old was digging cars out of the muck. Patterson said Bush told him then that he wanted to make sure that people got the aid they needed.
"He hasn't forgotten it," said Patterson. "We don't expect him to pull out his wallet and write a check for us. He personally would do it if he could because he's a passionate guy."
Those unrequited man-crushes are powerful things.

"Who wants a man-kiss?"
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