Wednesday, May 02, 2007



This is no ironic remark. Contrary to the spin Cheney & Bush dole out, us staying in Iraq is exactly what Bin Laden and crew want. This is the lesson they learned from dealing with the Soviets in Afghanistan and it is what they want in Iraq. It is their dream come true. Better to fight the "imperial invader" than to fight Iraqi or tribal loyalist that would inevitably turn against them and deal with them at arms length ONLY because they fight the Americans.

They were just hoping to bog the United States down in Afghanistan, something that the movement of resources into Iraq by the U.S. gave them simultaneously. We gave 'em Iran too as if the Bush Administration were their buddies and doing them a solid.

This is described in detail in many items known as "Books". It is not seen often in places like the Washington Post Editorial Page.

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