Saturday, March 01, 2008

In Bush Land

Does this become good news?

An outpouring of negative economic and financial reports soured the mood on Wall Street Friday as banks and other lenders further tightened credit in their struggle to contain damage from losses on mortgages, business loans and related debt.

Can't we all imagine the exchange:

Flunkie: "Mr. President, we have simply horrific signs that the economy is slowing and it is getting harder for people to make ends meet."

Bushlite (just waking up from his nap): "Why I'h can make my ehnds meet."  He puts his hands together.  "See it taint hard at all."

Bushlite: "Why I'hm gonna do ta da economitie thangie what I'hm a gonna do to Saddam!"

Flunkie:  "Sir?"

Bushlite: "Why I'hm gonna destroy that evil econohumuncluses!"

Flunkie: "Mr. President?"

Bushlite: "I'hm the decider.  I'hm the war time preznit!  I am the glory..."

One Flunkie to another: "Who forgot to give him the damn meds again!!"

In the background, Bushlite makes wrestling poses while the secret service detail looks at their watches.  All the while the American people continue to suffer.

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