Friday, April 10, 2009

Graduation Day

With regard to this: I attended my undergraduate commencement despite the fact that I was seriously offended by the choice of speaker (a wingnut par extraordinaire who ultimately used the forum to propagandize for the Republican war-of-choice of the moment). I skipped my law school graduation ceremony because I was seriously offended by the choice of speaker (yet another wingnut par extraordinaire who ultimately used the forum to propagandize for the Republican war-of-choice of the moment).* In the first instance, I was completely unaware of the speaker selection process. The speaker was announced, I winced, and then sucked it up, donned my cap and gown, and listened politely. In the second, I was aware of the speaker selection process, advocated for my choice, lost, and just blew the whole damn thing off. In both instances there were more than a few students who were A-okay with the speakers. In neither instance did I ever consider whining, crying, stamping my little feet, and trying to get the speaker removed. The speaker was invited by the school. I was disappointed. My remedy: I don't contribute to fundraisers. When the schools call, I tell them why.

You don't like the speaker, you stay home. The end.

Oh, and screw Pat Buchanan.

*Just as an aside, both schools were in the "liberal" northeast.

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