Monday, January 04, 2010

If it's Sunday, it's insufferable

Larry, Curly & Joe
In the anti-bellum era of American politics, the Senate had three Senators each from a different region of the country, all influential, none destined to be President. All had great moral failings, but Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun became known as the 'Great Triumvirate'.

Nowadays, I don't know the exact count, but in the weeks since the November 2008 election, about 60 weeks, I'd bet one of the modern "Lame Triumvirate" of Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham and John McCain have been on the Sunday talk-fests nearly every week.

Lieberman especially has made the rounds the past two weeks in his usual manner -- never seeing a war or persecution of a Muslim that he could pass up. Last week was calling for yet another preemptive war, this time in Yemen -- apparently before Americans could learn where the hell Yemen was. Well that was irritating enough to we liberals, but he has not yet begun to spit in the face of decency.

How about he parrots Duncan Hunter's old talking points?

"You could not find a better, more humane facility for a detention center in the world," Lieberman told ABC's Terry Moran Sunday.

Though his claims are not supported by numerous reports from Cuba, they were not challenged on ABC.

Of course, they were not challenged -- if Lieberman were challenged on every lie and half-truth he (or his two amigos) spouted he'd never have time to come up with new ones. And it's impolite in the Village to be rude to such a venerable insufferable jackass.

(pic from here)

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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