Sunday, January 03, 2010

"The problem with America is that people who are not white guys like me have any rights at all"

Just too damn many rights (as in any at all) for this asshole:

McInerney proposed the United States should strip search all 18-28 year old Muslim men at airports.

"If you are an 18-28-year-old Muslim man then you should be strip searched. And if we don't do that there's a very high probability we're going to lose an airline."

"That's a bit strong though," the FOX News anchor replied, and suggested that racial profiling was a controversial subject. "That's just not going to go over, not in this country," she told McInerney.

"I agree, that's the problem." McInerney said.

Ah, FoxNews & Republicans, there's only two rights that should matter in America. The RIGHT to force a woman to give birth and the right to low taxes for rich people.

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