So sayeth Ross Douthat (what is it with right-wingers and the embedded "t"?):
The permissive sexual culture that prevailed everywhere, seminaries included, during the silly season of the ’70s deserves a share of the blame, as does that era’s overemphasis on therapy.
Um, yeah.
I guess the IRA is to blame for the physical abuse generations of Irish kids suffered -- and Beider Meinhof was totally working with the Ratzinger Brothers in Munich.
Something tells me that Ross's method of dealing with pedophile priests is the way he thinks his old man would have dealt with catching Ross smoking. Just make the offender spend a couple hours in a room with a couple dozen naked 9-year old boys. That'll cure him.
Oh, and it would work too. One Chunky Reese Witherspoon cured Ross of heterosexual hedonism (btw what happened to the original Brad DeLong link for that article?)
It's all Vatican II. None of this would have happened without Vatican II. Changing the mass from Latin to the vernacular ruined everything. And when everything is ruined, the only logical thing to do is molest deaf boys.
AJ, is this not the DeLong link:
Fucking hippies. I knew it was there fault! I just had no idea that William Ayers and Wavy Gravy held so much influence over the Irish-Catholics. Diabolical!!!
Personal responsibility? Phhhtpth.
Yeah, man, as one of the few commenters here who is old enough to remember the sixties, let me just say that what made that era was so exciting wasn't the drugs or the rock'n'roll--- it was that pedophilic sex we were into back then... good times!
I spent half of the 50's and the entire decade of the 60's in Asia. I never looked for "quentin quail" or had a hankering for young boyz either.. Plenty of good old fashioned sex was available and all of it free if you had enough brains to learn a foreign language and spend some time with the fair sex of the local populace. There was rock and roll, along with the good Japanese music of the era and pot was not a problem if you knew where to find it. I remember the 60's and it was a fine time to be alive and away from the crazies that were thumping their bibbles and knashing their teeth. I am absolutely part of the generation of non believers in any type or kind of superstition. There is still hundreds of old asian hands left out there and I'm willing to bet that most of us are not of the "Tea Party" mentality.
Just this old Chief's 2¢
Douchehat wasn't even born until nov 1979, so what he "knows" of that time period is second, third and fourth hand accounts scribbled in crayon at The Corner...
he should stick to writing about what he knows... which would leave the rest of us blissfully happy, since he'd never write again.
just disappointed nobody wanted his chubby ass.
How the fuck would Doubthat know? He was born in 1979. He probably wouldn't have even known what a seminary was until well into Bush the Elder's term.
Hell, I was an adult in those freewheeling `60s and `70s that he speaks of, and I knew people from the local seminary. Most of `em made computer nerds look like uninhibited swingers....
criminals always claim it was somebody else's fault. they never accept responsibility.
"Les Doucherables"
Same number of syllables as its namesake. In a world where its hard to come up with new well-deserved insults, that's real flair.
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