You would have thought that Kristol would have learned something about Unintended Consequences from the great Iraq adventure. Or something about hellish cost. But no.
Wrong about everthing. But relentlessly brazen. Reminds me of Little Boots.
You know, the WaPo could use a return to the kind of investigative journalism that was its raison d'être back in the days of Woodward and Bernstein. First up: where exactly was Bill Kristol on the afternoon of July 14, 2001 and what was he doing there?
Ah, yes, William, son of Irving, dons his armor and launches his attack, pen in hand, in stalwart defense of the ancien regime of the Neocons.
"Prove you're not a bunch of flaming faggots and fight my wars for me, so Israel doesn't have to!," and then he puts down his pen and takes a sip of scotch, and smiles a crooked smile.
Ein, zwei, drei, kokolorum!"
Bloody Kristol is pushing for another war. And this drives me to give a page view to the rotting Washington Post how?
Their attempt to become the wingnut paper of record will fail, because very few wingnuts even bother to read. Great business plan there, Fred.
You would have thought that Kristol would have learned something about Unintended Consequences from the great Iraq adventure. Or something about hellish cost.
But no.
Wrong about everthing.
But relentlessly brazen.
Reminds me of Little Boots.
You know, the WaPo could use a return to the kind of investigative journalism that was its raison d'être back in the days of Woodward and Bernstein. First up: where exactly was Bill Kristol on the afternoon of July 14, 2001 and what was he doing there?
Breaking Goodwin's Law right out of the barrel... not even a good warm up period with a lame-assed theory ...
And I might add, that if Bloody Bill want's another goddamned war so much, he should be first on the frontline to fight it.
Ah, yes, William, son of Irving, dons his armor and launches his attack, pen in hand, in stalwart defense of the ancien regime of the Neocons.
"Prove you're not a bunch of flaming faggots and fight my wars for me, so Israel doesn't have to!," and then he puts down his pen and takes a sip of scotch, and smiles a crooked smile.
War is hard work.
Another neocon whore for war. Pay him no heed. he has no channel to this administration Vox
as long as they make him a private.
in the same way only nixon could go to china, could only a democrat get away with bombing iran?
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