An old Steve Martin routine:
You.. can be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes! You can be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes!
You say.. "Steve.. how can I be a millionaire.. and never pay taxes?"
First.. get a million dollars.
Now.. you say, "Steve.. what do I say to the tax man when he comes to my door and says, 'You.. have never paid taxes'?"
Two simple words. Two simple words in the English language:
"I forgot!"
Ladies and Gentlemen, Justice Clarence Thomas:
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has released newly corrected financial disclosure forms showing his wife's past employment, blaming a misunderstanding for years of omissions of Virginia "Ginni" Thomas' salary at a conservative think tank and other jobs.
Thomas was required to report the information on the annual disclosure forms all federal judges must file. The forms did not disclose how much money Mrs. Thomas was paid.
The updated records go back 13 years and confirm Mrs. Thomas has worked for the Heritage Foundation, the Republican leadership in the House and Hillsdale College in Michigan.
I wonder if he also invested in cardboard when it fourteen cents a ton?
I'll be he gets do-overs when golfing with the fatcats, too....
Bumper sticker time: Impeach Clarence "Tax Fraud" Thomas
But this will never happen, because moonbats are too kind to go for the juguiar, unlike our wingnut brethren.
Ah, of course. Clarence "Mulligan" Thomas, in honor of his many do-overs.
Long Dong "forgot" that he harassed Anita Hill, too, among others. Start impeachment proceedings.
between his tax evasion and his political activities and junkets, not to mentionthe super secret industry meetings he and Fat Tony attend with the Koch brothers there really should be enough to impeach the bastard.... but unfortunately there isn't the political will or want to do it.
Atta, you couldn't be wishing a prison "romance" on Clarence with your title, now could you?
Maybe Thomas's cellmate could teach him how to fill out a tax form...
Step one: bend over...
if ever a stupid black man benefited from afirmative action, it's this twit.
He forgot he had a wife? Obviously she didn't need to ask him for money to go shopping, travelling, or buying booze.
Anything in WWW (Wanton Wingnut Women) is permissively Possible.
women don't count to the rite.
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