Thursday, February 09, 2012

So it is about punishing ALL WOMEN

It is decidedly NOT about religion, it is about banning contraception coverage in ALL insurance plans for ALL women.
Anthony Picarello, general counsel for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "There has been a lot of talk in the last couple days about compromise, but it sounds to us like a way to turn down the heat, to placate people without doing anything in particular," Picarello said. "We're not going to do anything until this is fixed."

That means removing the provision from the health care law altogether, he said, not simply changing it for Catholic employers and their insurers. He cited the problem that would create for "good Catholic business people who can't in good conscience cooperate with this."

"If I quit this job and opened a Taco Bell, I'd be covered by the mandate," Picarello said.
Meanwhile, no fucking problem at all with Viagra being covered.

Other than USA Today will this fucking nutjob of a demand get any press coverage?


Batman 54 said...

It's really about cramming their religion down everyone else's throats.

Joe Blow said...

hmm no one covers viagra...

pansypoo said...

viagra is always a rite. the pope is our new king?

Anonymous said...

So many different faces, so many different names, but in the end it is all Misogyny writ large. How can any self respecting woman be a Republican/Teabagger?

Harry R. Sohl said...

Good Catholic business people don't "open" taco bells, except to make a little Jesus (and never on a Sunday).

I swear to God, if Obama folds on this that FOX "News" will shriek "he takes his orders from Rome?!!1!"

Montag said...

Funny that these guys are ignoring a change to Title VII from about twenty years ago that required all employers to provide contraception services as part of employer health care plans for all with 15 employees or more.

That change still allowed co-pays, but, the plans had to include the coverage. The ACA just eliminated the co-pay without altering the Title VII requirements.

Fuckin' morons.

Joe Blow said...

why no copays? I pay $50 a month in copays for statins, blood pressure, etc...