You know how apeshit
FoxNews would be
right now.
An ongoing dispute over an apartment parking space may have led to
the shooting deaths of three Muslim college students in North Carolina,
but investigators are trying to determine if the killings could also
have been hate-motivated, police said Wednesday.
Craig Stephen
Hicks, 46, who turned himself in to the Chatham County Sheriff's Office,
has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder in the fatal
shootings Tuesday afternoon at an apartment building in Chapel Hill.
victims, all shot in the head, were identified as Deah Shaddy Barakat,
23, and his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, of Chapel Hill, and Razan Mohammad
Abu-Salha, 19, of Raleigh, police said. The two female victims were
And, as always seems to be the case, what a loss.
Barakat, a second-year dental student at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Yusor Mohammad were married in late
December. They traveled to Turkey last year to provide free dental care
to students, according to their friends' Facebook page.
According to the slideshow at the end of this story, they also provided free dental care to homeless people in Durham, NC, whose status in life isn't much better than that of Syrian refugees in Turkey, even though they live in The Greatest Country In The World.
What a waste- this jackass doubtless had no idea whom he was shooting.
Maybe Muslims will need to open-carry in North Carolina to protect themselves. Let's see how that goes.
Right wing media is still claiming a "we told you so" because the shooter might have been atheist.
There's always a way for the right to spread the hate.
Our "well-regulated militia". Again.
hate is incredibly stupid. also greed is really stupid.
من المشاكل التي يعاني منها نسبة كبيرة من الناس وغالبا ما يتعرضون لها سواء كان هذا في المنزل أو المسجد أو في الشركات وغيرها لكن هذا سيتوقف مع شركة بسمة الامجاد0554713207 التي تتعامل مع كافة المشاكل المتعلقة بتسليك المجاري وكشف التسربات وعزل الاسطح
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معها ستتوقف المعاناة من انسداد الاحواض و انكسار المواسير و تسرب المياة من الجدران او من السقف خاصة أن تلك المشاكل قد تسبب مشاكل لا تتوقعها
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هل تعلم مدى خطورة تسرب المياه داخل الجداران او الارضيات التى هى اسقف لغيرها من الاماكن ؟ قد يؤدى ذلك لحدوث كوارث كبيرة منها انهيار السقف او المبنى بالكامل لا قدر الله لان ذلك يؤدى الى تلف مواد البناء و حدوث الصدأ نتيجة تفاعل الماء و الحديد و الهواء .
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