As has been evident for some time now, Chimpy is a very disturbed preznit, a man hopped up on privilege and testosterone. While no one here at the Rising Hegemon have training and experience in the psychological side of the world, beyond late night meanderings. I have to comment on the Chimperor's latest pronouncement.
Ok, most of us have now heard the comments on how "our enemies never stop thinking about how to harm us, and we have too". Ok, listen carefully, he then talks about defending ourselves, but given his lack of clarity and mispronouncing big words, that is 4 letters or more, sound to me like he is offending ourselves when he meant defendign ourselves. UhhhhMmmmmm....
Now most of us agree that the way to understand Chimpy must begin with money and religion.....And those like us blogsters see that the personal, the wealth, and the psychological, as one area that is both autonomous, yet colludes in the creation of people like Chimpy.
But w's slip of the tongue, and vee all know dat zee unconscious is revealed in slips, dreams and forgetting, reveals a deep, sado-masochistic streak evident to most (see Bush on the Couch, available at a bookseller near your house). But this extreme form, the valorization of death, was seen almost as necrophilia, the love of death. Psychologist Erich Fromm argues that it is rooted in failure to fulfill the self, blockages in self realization... I wonder if Chimpy would know anything about those kinds of frustrations? (poor student, poor athlete, poor soldier or at least poor weekend solder, failure in Business -- do I need to go on?)
Ok, it is not my interest to amateur psycho-analyze W, but rather to note how he, as a great example of a certain streak of American society, really deplores actual life (love, freedom, sexuality to name a few), and sees death as transition to a better life, one with God via rapture or apocalypse. One day soon, all the true believers believe that they will suddenly be swept to heaven, butt naked for the first part of the trip. Don't laugh, the end days books like the Left Behind series sell in the millions.
Thus we have much to fear with such an attitude in our president (legitimate or not), like massive deficits don't matter, no one decent will be around to pay for them, killing Iraqis serves God, etc etc.
But as I have said in previous missives, it looks like, to paraphrase Kerry, not 4 more years but 3 more months. Ah, and then a kinder, gentler president will take over who has to contend with millions who think like Chimpy and now have an axe to grind -- just like when Clinton won the presidency. But think about the situation that Kerry inherents: A world where multinational forces serve the interests of corporations like Haliburton rather than the people. The Patriot act is supposed to expire but I would not hold my breath on that one going bye bye. Schools get a bit more money, but wealthy areas will continue to remain flush with money and resources while poor school districts continue to spiral downward. And more: inequality will grow, the middle east will continue to flare, all the while Iran and North Korea will eventually build nukes.
Ah, what a wonderful world where we think of new ways to harm.
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