Oh well, a portrait of small sections of this place Kerry likes to call "America" and Bush likes to call "Cheney's Bitch".
There he is, Mister 'Murica
"Damned Baby-Evil Doer". Moments after this photo was taken, the Secret Service wrestled the baby to the ground.
"Settle down Damian."
Well, off to kill Charlie.
The Department of Homeland Security would like to tell the American people, enjoy your Freedom...or else.
"Look, we mean it! Enjoy your freedom or I'll kick your liberal, Kerry-supportin', soft on evil-doin' terrorists ass."
President Bush, ponders where the "ear" is on this thing.
President Bush makes a suprise address at GITMO. Haven't those poor people been tortured enough?
While waiting for the girls with the "big knobs" to pop out of the field, the Preznit forgets that Hee-Haw has been off the air for some time.
What is with this guy and his fear of grass?
Kerry shows off his Plan for America.
Bush reveals HIS plan for 'Murica, so bend over!
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