Monday, May 31, 2010

Tony Hayward it starting to make Don Blankenship

Look like the soul of discretion -- 'Hey Tony, why are so many of the fisherman you hired to operate in oiled and chemically treated water getting sick?'

It certainly can't be the oil or dispersant?

Tony Hayward, the chief executive officer of BP, offered another explanation for the fishermen's illness: spoiled food.

"Food poisoning is clearly a big issue," Hayward said Sunday. "It's something we've got to be very mindful of. It's one of the big issues of keeping the Army operating. You know, the Army marches on their stomachs."

An expert on foodborne illness cast doubt on Hayward's theory.


Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs! said...

Since corporations now have personal rights, I think they should get some personal responsibility.

This could start with a big fat personal lawsuit against all the BP cocksuckers who caused this atrocity?

DrDick said...

I have a feeling that Tony's day is going to get just a whole lot worse before long. He may have to reconsider wanting his life back.

pansypoo said...

truthiness comes in tar balls too.

guessed said...

clearly a dodge, but food safety is another joke. obama headed to the FDA a former executive/lobbyist for monsanto. the man responsible for pushing through bovine growth hormone to be allowed in milk.

guessed said...

clearly a dodge, but food safety is another joke. obama placed as head of the FDA a former executive/lobbyist for monsanto.

guessed said...

damn, what food poisoning causes nosebleeds? why is obama sitting idly by, allowing BP to poison people?

Anonymous said...

The chief requirement of a man in charge is to find something or someone else to blame. Its a diversionary tactic designed to protect the guilty. Simple and effective, when no one has the guts to question them.

jimmiraybob said...

I feel bad for all the fishermen that used to barter their wares for medical care. Now what?

I used to worry about when the insurance would run out, now I worry about when the chickens (crawfish) will run out.

[yes, I do feel guilty using their pain to benefit my snark but there's a point]

Major Woody said...

Food poisoning? "Hey, I don't feel well" "Shut up and eat your tar balls!"