Sunday, November 07, 2004

Fun while waiting for the Apocalypse

Well, while we are waiting for the horsies carrying Lynn Cheney and the other horsemen of the apocalypse to come and take us all away I have some ideas of fun things to pass the time.

1. Call up all the credit card companies that I have cards from and tell them that I have no intention of paying my balances. And then wait for the mean letter to arrive.

2. Pack up all of my D&D books and figures so that I can take them with me to perguatory. I figure that I do not have the patience to wait for someone to show up. I'll smite the evil dragon and save the princess. Or at least use my +3 talking broadsword a lot.

3. Call Ken Blackwell and tell him what a dick he is. Ok, I might do this regardless if the horsies of the 'pocalypse show up and demand some hay and oats or not.

4. Watch all of the damn episodes of Trading spaces that I have on my DVR. I love Paige Davis, I bet I will see her in purgatory. I wonder if she plays D&D?

5. Call my boss and tell him how he keeps creeping me out by showing up behind me while I am working and not telling me that he is there. I think I will act like that woman on Dead Like Me.

5.5 Watch all of those Dead Like Me episodes on that are on tape.

6. Tell media people that Francisco Franco is still dead and Yassir says "hi."

7. Call up Michael Moore and tell him thanks. Then ask who his tailor is.

8. Send a sympathy letter to Keith Richards. I figure that after the rest of us leave or are axed by the horsie riders, its just Keith and Ann Coulter. And, man, I would not wish that on anyone. Well... that's not true, right now I could think of a few people.

9. Get my newspaper in nothing but my train underwear and socks.

10. Eat all of the M&Ms and Reese's Pieces that I can.

What are you all gonna do?

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