Friday, June 17, 2005

Could this be the beginning of the end?

Dare we begin to dream? A new New York Times-CBS News poll has Bush and the Congress at low, low numbers of support. Of course the righties will just shake it off or point at another strange celebrity, missing person, or odd not really worthy of news event instead of facing the real, hard facts that their guy in office stinks. And the smell is getting bad and harder to miss. No matter how much you hold your nose.

Increasingly pessimistic about Iraq and skeptical about President Bush's plan for Social Security, Americans are in a season of political discontent, giving Mr. Bush one of the lowest approval ratings of his presidency and even lower marks to Congress, according to the New York Times/CBS News Poll.

Wow, the public mad at this far right wing congress because of increasing intrusions into people's lives, decisions about death (and then deny it, like Mr. Frist), dismantling social security, shutting down military bases in states that desperately need the middling federal financial support, cutting of support to public broadcasting and radio, lies to get into a mess in the middle east, and so much more like a worthless war in Iraq. I could really keep going with this list, but you get the point.

Forty-two percent of the people responding to the poll said they approved of the way Mr. Bush was handling his job, a marked decline from his 51 percent rating after of the November election, when he embarked on an ambitious second term agenda led by the overhaul of Social Security. Sixteen months before the midterm elections, Congress fared even worse in the survey, with the approval of just 33 percent of the respondents, and 19 percent saying Congress shared their priorities.

Wow, maybe we will start holding leaders accountable? All I can say, is go John Conyers... go go go!

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