Saturday, June 18, 2005

Oh for Jeebus sake!!!!

I know that Attaturk has already mentioned this but I just have to comment on the sad, freakin' sad state of politics in this one nation under religious right!

Gov. Jeb Bush asked a state prosecutor on Friday to investigate the circumstances of Terri Schiavo's collapse, saying a new autopsy report revealed a possible gap between when Ms. Schiavo fell unconscious and when her husband called paramedics.

"It's a significant question that during this entire ordeal was never brought up," Governor Bush told reporters in Tallahassee after faxing a letter to Bernie McCabe, the state attorney in Pinellas County, where Ms. Schiavo suffered extreme brain damage when her heart temporarily stopped beating in 1990.

Oh come on you crap filled douche bag! You tried to use what little political powers your feeble mind possessed to control the lives of a brain-dead woman and her husband who just wanted to follow his wife's wishes! Turns out that her brain was jello (no insult to jello here, hey I luv ya!) and that the woman that her family and friends knew had "left the building long ago," and instead of saying that your sorry, that you were wrong to use her as a political prop to gain credability with the religious right, you now try to start a criminal investigation on her husband for a bullshit allegations over exactly when a phone call was placed that goes back over 15 years!!!!

At long last sir, have you no sense of decency!!

"What evidence was there ever presented by anybody," Mr. Bennett asked, "that would even cause them to go on this escapade?"

Governor Bush is a Catholic and abortion opponent. Larry J. Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, said he thought the governor's latest move was "a product of his own personal beliefs" but also, possibly, an attempt to win political points.

I do not say this very often since we all know that Attaturk works in swears like some work with oils and clay but, Fuck you Jeb Bush! Fuck you and your cronies all the way to hell!

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