Thursday, June 16, 2005

This is a good point.

I like a good scrap between bloggers, besides it is nice to see two bloggers I read all the time Steve Gilliard and Echidne have different viewpoints. Besides my occasional attempts at battle with milquetoast Kevin Drum usually are one sided, because he has probably never read this blog.

Generally, I stay away from the serious side of the "Where the White Women At?" story of the missing woman in Aruba.

My frustration is in the prominance of the coverage, when frankly people go missing all the time, often tragically, and the vast majority are not young, white, relatively attractive women.

But anyhoo, Echidne of the Snakes makes a good point about how some of this woman's actions in going off with three relative strangers are perceived by some of us men when we get down into the substance of it (which again, I don't like to do because "Snark" works better from a distance).

As if the only reason a woman ever goes anywhere with a man or men is for sex. As if it's the natural thing to assume, even if there are three men and only one woman. It's not possible to have friendship between men and women, you know, and it's not even possible that a woman might go out with three men just to drink and chat and listen to music. Nope. She must be prepared to provide whatever number of vaginas are needed for the satisfaction of all the men present.

Even if she is a schoolgirl.

Now when Attaturk uses his male charms on women...

*Whew, excuse me, that double entendre hurt, hurt really bad.*

Okay, I'm back, I've always gone through life imagining that people do NOT want to have sex with me. I think that is a pretty safe, if unexciting, way to go through life. Also generally accurate in my experience as well. Now, I don't know if tiny wierdo Tom Cruise has this same perception, but it is mine.

So I agree with the goddess on this one -- though many young, drunken boys may not think this way.

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