He came out supporting Bush's plan on handing over control of ports to the government owned corporation of the UAE yesterday as an obvious firewall for Bush.
Sen. John McCain said Tuesday night that he stands behind the Bush administration's decision to approve a deal that gives an Arab company control over operations at six major U.S. ports.
"I trust the president of the United States," McCain, R-Ariz., told nearly 800 West Valley residents during a town-hall meeting in Sun City West. "I will not make a judgment until I hear his arguments as to why he made this decision. . . . I will not reject out of hand the decision of the commander in chief."
His support came out shortly after he was doing this:
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a man in perpetual motion, flew to South Carolina in January. His stops included a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and speeches to local Republican groups. But one of his most important events was not on the public schedule -- a 5 p.m. meeting at a Spartanburg hotel with loyalists to President Bush.
A dozen or so people were in attendance. At least two were among Bush's major national fundraisers. Virtually all had been on Bush's side in the bitter 2000 South Carolina primary that badly damaged McCain's chances of winning the presidential nomination and scarred the relationship between the two men and their rival political camps. McCain was there to woo them.
There's no doubt, he's running in 2008. Therefore, it is necessary that as Bush's incompetence (at best!) is proven time and time after time that we remind people of this over and over again.
Or as I've liked to style it before...

But it is not just McCain, old reliable, Bush frenching, Joe Lieberman came -- came, like an ambitious cabana boy, to his Dear Leader's defense:
One of the few legislators to come close to defending the transaction was Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, who is considered a security hawk among Democrats.
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