Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ah yes, Cheney...

Yesterday I said I thought that Cheney continued to lie about the mobile labs well beyond September 2003 (that they were not bioweapons labs was exposed on May 27, 2003). Josh Marshall has extended the date.

Cheney on January 24, 2004:

In terms of the question what is there now, we know for example that prior to our going in that he had spent time and effort acquiring mobile biological weapons labs, and we're quite confident he did, in fact, have such a program. We've found a couple of semi trailers at this point which we believe were, in fact, part of that program. Now it's not clear at this stage whether or not he used any of that to produce or whether he was simply getting ready for the next war. That, in my mind, is a serious danger in the hands of a man like Saddam Hussein, and I would deem that conclusive evidence, if you will, that he did, in fact, have programs for weapons of mass destruction.

I'm willing to bet he went several more months telling this lie. Especially to groups of select mouth-breathers that Cheney usually speaks to or shoots at.

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