Stupid and unnecessary. The individual is promptly suspended after an investigation by the news service.
And what is the point really? And as an aside, as someone who eschews using Photoshop (or any other quality photo editing tool) - I use the free Microsoft Paint (i.e. photoshop for stupid, cheap bastards) - that is still one lousy photo manipulation.
Well, it serves to give the fantasy-writers of the right-wing an opportunity to say that what the media reports from anywhere (but especially Iraq or the Levant) is prejudiced. That despite report after report, news story after news story, the shinola ladled out to them every goddamn day by the White House & FoxNews is reality -- and actual reality is fiction.
50% believing in Iraqi WMD's anyone?
Meanwhile, dozens of prominent Bush Administration officials continue to be employed despite consistently "glossing" (even by "spin" standards) the news from Iraq for years. My goodness! You'll have a dickens of a time finding them leveling with the public.
Naturally, leading the charge have been the National Review's resident journalistic ethicists who are all for terminating individuals who engage in such manipulated claims in a "time of waaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr".

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