Tuesday, October 10, 2006


NY Daily News via Digby:

Bush is less worried about his standing with history, telling aides that George Washington's legacy is still being debated two centuries later. But he understands that losing one chamber of Congress will cripple his lame duck-weakened final two years.

Um, Georgie, Washington gets debated because he is WORTH debating ("Father of his Country", "First in War, First in Peace, First in the hearts of his countrymen" that whole thing). He's a giant of history. He also managed to be the Commander in Chief when he won wars he wasn't supposed to win with a rag-tag bunch of amateurs -- as opposed to um, you. A lot of the debate about George Washington today concerns whether if he was around now he'd kick your ass, or just hang his head in shame?

Let's throw out a few other Presidents.

Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Warren Harding.

Those Presidents aren't debated much -- other than discussing, "who was worse?"

That is the league you are joining the day your sorry ass slinks back to your fake ranch.

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