Thursday, October 05, 2006


What is a progressive to do? FOX News misidentifies former Representative Mark Foley (R-FL) as a Democrat. It is a familiar example. Routinely after an issue is raised some errant person will claim to have misspoken. Others will engage in some political framing; it is the work of political opponents, the media or the claim will be made that it was a simple harmless unintentional mistake which are the only mistakes that FOX news supposedly makes.

When reports circulate such as they fortunately do one can add this to the long catalogue of vices that prevail from FOX. Or one can, as some counsel, be judicious in moral talk, something that is regularly lost on the commentators and "reporters" on that channel.

Again in the face of such lies just what is a progressive supposed to do? We can consider that the Foley as Democrat label was doubtless seen by millions of viewers. FOX News will never issue a clear apology for the mistake. They will not call it what it was, a partisan attempt by a faux news organization to blame the democrats. No doubt there will be those who will continue to believe that Foley was a Democrat based on this error. And that was the point. That was what they were after and for some it will work. I personally have been watching FOX news and their partisan hacksters have stopped mentioning his affiliation if they can avoid it. Ah, truth dies with white teeth and overly coiffed hair.

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