Saturday, October 14, 2006

Jeebus Christ, We haven't even had a chance to Kill Halloween Yet!!!

Bill Orally, truly a wanker for all seasons:

In the following video from Fox's Your World with Neil Cavato, conservative author Bill O'Reilly tells the audience that he fears gains by progressives could mean "no more Christmas."

Secular progressives, O'Reilly claims, want "No more Christmas, no pledge of allegiance to God. No more Christmas – 'this is pulling us down, because it's too judgmental.'"

First, of all this is a lie. As evidenced by the fact that my dog and I have been stocking up for the last couple weeks for the special bag of flaming shit I planned to drop outside of Bill-Oh's door during the Holidays.

But my god, if there is a soul in America, religious or otherwise that hasn't been dismayed by the steady encroachment of Christmas Commercials beyond the invisible Thanksgiving Day barrier I'll be shocked. And here is Falafel O'Reilly (not my favorite Who song) moving the calendar even further by going off about how The Democrats will Steal Christmas before the World Series has started.

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