Friday, October 06, 2006

Scooby Doo

Foley's problem, according to Rush Limbaugh, is those "meddling kids".

As Digby says, it's always the lowest, most excuse ridden, lowest of low common denominator for these reprehensible clowns, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter, Savage, Beck, Hannity. They appeal to the lowest instincts and call it "common sense".

Here's a short list of who did what under the Limbaugh excuse meter:

- Abu Ghraib just a bunch of fraternity pranks
- Terrorism is the fault of pussy liberals
- I'm fat because of Democrats
- I became addicted to oxycontin because of illegal immigrants
- I only had viagra because of those taunting, fourteen year old Haitian prostitutes

Party of "values" indeed.

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