On the eve of the fourth anniversary of Commander Codpiece's prance across the deck of that aircraft carrier in his little flight suit costume, it seems as good a time as any to review some numbers:
1. American deaths to date: 3,351
2. Cost of the war: on track to top $500 billion.
3. Original estimate for the war's cost: approximately $50 billion.
4. Additional amount allotted for Iraq in bill Commander Codpiece is poised to veto: $78 billion.
6. Additional amount Commander Codpiece wants for the war: $116 billion.
7. Some of things the $564 billion in combined spending requests for Iraq could buy:
A college education - tuition, fees, room and board at a public university - for about half of the nation's 17 million high-school-age teenagers.8. Number of
Pre-school for every 3- and 4-year-old in the country for the next eight years.
A year's stay in an assisted-living facility for about half of the 35 million Americans age 65 or older.
9. Number of my senators who voted for the Iraq war resolution: both of them (Clinton & Schumer).
10. Number of my senators who voted for the Iraq war resolution and who are running for president who will get my vote: none.
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