Thursday, June 07, 2007

More Cheney Bullshit

Yes, it's Dick Cheney day. Here's Dick pushing bullshit about Iran providing arms to the Taliban -- bullshit swallowed by ABC News (why anyone ever takes anything from the OVP as being news, as opposed to propoganda by this point is beyond me).

The Brits have another opinion, according to Newsweek:

"British officials who asked for anonymity because of the nature of their work emphasize that they lack hard evidence linking the shipments to the Revolutionary Guards, and that the weapons could just as easily have been bought on the black market in Iran."

Karzai isn't buying it either:

" Asked his own view, Karzai appeared eager to give the Iranian government a pass.

He said there was no evidence of Iranian government involvement, adding, ``Iran and Afghanistan have never been as friendly as they are today.''

There is no reason for Iran to aid the Taliban, Karzai said. ``It is in the interests of our brothers in Iran'' to support the development of a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan."

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