Friday, June 01, 2007

Whatever it is, we're not helping

Oh the bloviation was out in force "The Sunnis are battling Al Qaeda" HUZZAH! " Finally, Assrocket shall be able to watch his beauty pageants without having to simultaneously check the kerning on the sashes. Now he can devote all of his powers of discernment to detecting camel-toe!"

But alas, and as ever, it just isn't that simple.
Rather, it's as difficult as a Minnesotan separating the Mexicans from the Venezuelans [cannot we compromise and blame natives of Belize?].

The NY Times Says:

Cave closes his report with the fighting between Sunni militants in Baghdad’s Amiriya district, writing that “Witnesses and an Interior Ministry official said the battle reflected a fight for control that began three weeks ago after the two groups met and could not agree on a strategy for resistance to American troops.”

The Washington Post Says:

The area’s mayor, Mohammed Abdul Khaliq, told the Post that the residents were “rising up” to expel al-Qa'ida, after a dispute over the organization’s execution of Iraqi Sunnis without reason. Abdul Khaliq appealed for the US not to intervene, saying that would prompt the two warring groups to unite against the Americans.

Slightly different accounts, but neither being quite what the Enablogosphere would try to have you believe.

There is one commonality, everybody hates the Americans more than they hate each other.

So, it's not really about Iraqi's fighting Al-Qaeda so much as it is about just how fucked up our policy is.

Mission Accomplished and such.

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