Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Back by Popular Demand: The Excuse-O-Meter™!

Just in time for this evening's festivities, we at Rising Hegemon are bringing back the official Rising Hegemon Caucus/PrimaryGeneal Election Close Excuse-O-Meter.™ Post your favorite excuses in comments -- or rate the ones I've posted -- and I'll add the best ones to the list throughout the day. Tomorrow, the various camps can chose the excuse that fits best and then ...onward to Pennsylvania!
  1. (Perennial Favorite) We wuz robbed."
  2. “There was an ice storm in Ohio."
  3. "There was a heat wave in Texas."
  4. "There was rain in Rhode Island."
  5. "There was snow in Vermont."
  6. "I blame Nader."
  7. "My loss is really a win because [INSERT CONSULTANT-PENNED BULLSHIT EXCUSE HERE]."
  9. “In reality, I’ve always been running for vice president.”
  10. “It’s always been about the process.”
  11. “Keep your frickin’ hands off my (super) delegates.”
  12. "I lost, but my opponent sucks, so really, I won."
  13. "I lost, but my opponent only won by a slim margin, so really, I won."
  14. "I lost, but I won the [INSERT DEMOGRAPHIC HERE] vote, so really I won."
  15. “[CANDIDATE X] is not a mainstream Democrat/Republican.”
  16. “The young people/old people/women/African-Americans/Latinos sat this one out.”
  17. "I am the Comeback Kid."
  18. "My opponent's victory was more in the nature of a protest vote."
  19. "It ain't over 'til it's over."
  20. “The voting machine were rigged.”
  21. “The voting machines failed.”
  22. “There weren’t enough voting machines.”
  23. “The results were in line with our/your/the peoples'/media’s expectations.”
  24. "The results exceeded our/your/the peoples'/the media’s expectation."
  25. “Diebold stole it for [CANDIDATE X]”
  26. "The media was against me."
  27. "If Tim Russert is against you, you're dead."
  28. "The primary started too late/early, was too far away (and the parking sucked)."
  29. "'The real victory is that we got our message out there.”
  30. "The '60 Minutes' interview killed us."
  31. "The 'Saturday Night Live' appearance killed us."
  32. "The Letterman appearance killed us."
  33. "Our consultants killed us."
  34. "Early voting killed us."
  35. The blogs were against us."
  36. “[POINTLESS TV SHOW] was on."
  37. "My opponent played dirty."
  38. "Sexism!"
  39. "Racism!"
  40. "Ageism!"
  41. "The primary/caucus system is inherently un-democratic”
  42. "[STATE] wasn't as much a vote for [CANDIDATE X] as it was a vote against [CANDIDATE Y] (Gilly Gonzylon in comments at Eschaton)
  43. "Massive Democratic/Underwhelming Republican Turnout in a Red State."
  44. "What me worry?"
  45. “The polls were right!”
  46. “The polls were wrong!”
  47. “I’ll be vindicated at the convention.”
  48. "I'll be vindicated in the general."
  49. “I'll be vindicated by history."
  50. "I have the love of my friends and family and isn't that what life is really all about?"
  51. "These states are not important states. I won [INSERT STATE HERE]."
  52. "I'm ahead in delegates."
  53. "I'm ahead in superdelegates."
  54. "I'm ahead in the popular vote."
  55. "We ran out of money."
  56. "We have enough money to go the distance."
  57. "The Canadians did it." (Stony Pillow from comments)
  58. "[INSERT STATE HERE] is not representative of the rest of the country anyway."
  59. "You talkin' to me?"
  60. "We're taking this campaign to the next most important state: the internet!"
  61. The DeDurkheim: "We meant to lose. Really." (DeDurkheim from comments)
  62. The Scooby: "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!" (DanF from comments)
  63. The Jon Stewart: "I don't like CANDIDATE X's position on the North American Free Trade Agreement...or NAMBLA." (Attaturk from comments)
  64. The Napoleon: "I'll be back."
  65. The Coriolanus: "The mob is fickle."
  66. The George Orwell: "Being behind in both delegates and popular votes is a win."
  67. And my (still) favorite -- The Scarlett O'Hara: "Tomorrow is another day!"

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