Chuckles Krauthammer who has written this:
Everyone has tried to figure out how to disarm North Korea. It will not happen. Kim Jong Il is not going to give up his nukes. The only way to disarm the regime is to destroy it. China could do that with sanctions but will not. The United States could do that with a second Korean War but will not either.
Once again, nice prediction there Charlie...and to think we could of nuked 'em when we had a chance!
But, of course, there were other equally fine calls to nuke other people coupled with predictions, such as when in September 15, 2006 Chuckle's launched a call to NUKE IRAN!
The Europeans will be less hypocritical because their visceral anti-Americanism trumps rational calculation. We will have done them an enormous favor by sparing them the threat of Iranian nukes, but they will vilify us nonetheless.
These are the costs. There is no denying them. However, equally undeniable is the cost of doing nothing.
And Charlie even predicted the "horrible consequences" IF BUSH NUKED TEHRAN:
An attack on Iran is likely to send oil prices overnight to $100 or even to $150 a barrel.
I guess we already nuked Tehran we just didn't hear about it.
Oh, what a lovely man, bomb here - bomb there bomb bomb kill kill kill.
Which makes today's Krauthammer slander all the more relevant:
Not a flinch. Not a flicker. Not a hint of shame. By the time he's finished, Obama will have made the Clintons look scrupulous.
Moral judgment from a man who believes in killing civilians, because we can.
Fuck you Charlie.
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