Friday, October 03, 2008

Bring Out The Pitchforks

I have been wondering for quite some time what it would take for the revolution to begin. I was ready for it in 2000 after the Republicans stole the election, I was ready for it in the aftermath of 9/11, in the run-up to war in Iraq, in the tax breaks for the wealthy (because it was their due), in the shredding of the constitution, in the swift-boating of honorable people. I tried to fan the flames of revolution in 2004 by walking the neighborhoods of Des Moines for John Kerry. Oh well.

I never understood how it was that independents could vote for a person who was so obviously to me absolutely the worst President in the last century. I suppose it should be some cause for optimism that along with the tide of bad news highlighted below is that people understand, finally, why we are here: failed leadership and governance. So while I am as sad about the bad economic news that washes in every day, maybe we have finally reached the point that some of those same people that granted this President four more years to ruin the republic have reached their limit. We can only hope now that soon President Obama proves to be the answer to our question: who is going to pull us out of this mess?

As for me, I will be out back getting ready the pitchforks and torches.

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