Monday, October 13, 2008

Sean Hannity's Pathetic Career

This is long and contains a large block of quotes so I apologize in advance.

Hannity's career is replete with instances of implied race-baiting and scare-mongering can now come into the open. Meet the virulent anti-Semite that Hannity relies upon to smear Obama for being a "Muslim" (which equals "scary") -- so I guess he's all manner of religious bigot:

Until this month, the man who is widely credited with starting the cyberwhisper campaign that still dogs Mr. Obama was a secondary character in news reports, with deep explorations of his background largely confined to liberal blogs.

But an appearance in a documentary-style program on the Fox News Channel watched by three million people last week thrust the man, Andy Martin, and his past into the foreground. The program allowed Mr. Martin to assert falsely and without challenge that Mr. Obama had once trained to overthrow the government.

Thanks for your "valuable" contribution to the public discourse Sean Hannity -- please disappear now. There is no fucking way, Hannity did not know this about Martin -- there is no fucking way FoxNews or NewsCorp did not know this.

An examination of legal documsents and election filings, along with interviews with his acquaintances, revealed Mr. Martin, 62, to be a man with a history of scintillating if not always factual claims. He has left a trail of animosity — some of it provoked by anti-Jewish comments — among political leaders, lawyers and judges in three states over more than 30 years.

He is a law school graduate, but his admission to the Illinois bar was blocked in the 1970s after a psychiatric finding of “moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.”

Though he is not a lawyer, Mr. Martin went on to become a prodigious filer of lawsuits

...and like all such stories, it gets worse:

...questions were raised last week about Mr. Martin’s appearance and claims on “Hannity’s America” on Fox News, the program’s producer said Mr. Martin was clearly expressing his opinion and not necessarily fact.

It was not Mr. Martin’s first turn on national television. The CBS News program “48 Hours” in 1993 devoted an hourlong program to what it called his prolific filing of frivolous lawsuits. He has filed so many lawsuits that a judge barred him from doing so in any federal court without preliminary approval.

He prepared to run as a Democrat for Congress in Connecticut, where paperwork for one of his campaign committees listed as one purpose “to exterminate Jew power.” He ran as a Republican for the Florida State Senate and the United States Senate in Illinois. When running for president in 1999, he aired a television advertisement in New Hampshire that accused George W. Bush of using cocaine.

I expect FoxNews and Hannity himself to issue a prominent public apology IMMEDIATELY over this...and that pressure should come from everyone on the fucking earth.

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