Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The "Looking at the Watch" moment of 2008

I've said on this blog a few times that McCain has built his political career upon the conceit that everything he does and everything he says, even if he doesn't believe it, is the "most honorable" thing ever. Even when he fights dirty, it's because he is the most honorable person ever, so it must be the right thing to do.

Therefore, anyone who disagrees with him is the exact opposite of him, "dishonorable". It's a delusional conceit -- a laughable one -- and even worse a dangerous one. Especially in a 72-year old man - because it is the moral vanity of a 9-year old boy. Even Bush, who's belief in the rightness of his cause is stunning damn the facts, possesses the minimal level maturity to realize he can be criticized -- he may take steps to avoid facing criticism -- but he seems to realize he has weaknesses that require hiding. That's why Bush hides from critics, because he fears them. John McCain avoids them because he thinks his critics are dishonorable traitors.

And when you are even less emotionally mature than George W. Gush, you've got a problem. And if you are President, we've got an even bigger problem.

This need to hold all who differ from him in contempt [perhaps especially the black guy - who in John McCain's Navy World growing up were stewards or cooks] shows up blatantly and fatally in the one moment of last night's slumber party in this snippet.

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