Monday, December 29, 2008

Fap fap flop

In what will likely be one of his last NY Times columns, Bill Kristol demonstrates that in a "(P)inch", he can always find something to delude himself with, you can almost see his pants dropping and one-hand typing.

For one thing, there will be the invocation, delivered by Rick Warren. I suspect he’ll be careful to say nothing pro-life or pro-traditional-marriage — but we conservatives have already gotten more than enough pleasure from the hysterical reaction to his selection by the tribunes of the intolerant left. And having Warren there will, in fact, be a welcome reminder of the strides the evangelical movement and religious conservatives (broadly speaking) have made in recent decades.

Yeah, the GOP has now established a tenuous foothold in only one region of the country, the South, thanks to this tactic. Good job.

Bill Kristol, making NY Times editorial pages stick together for nearly 365 days.

[Cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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