Friday, April 10, 2009

Oh, I'm sure it's all TOTALLY on the merits

So, when is Bridgette getting her advance? Oh, that's right.

Meghan McCain gets high-six figure book deal because...she so "totally" earned it.

HERE’S WHAT HAPPENED. Her daddy literally called his friend “Flip” at an agency called “Sterling Lord Literistic” to demand that he make his daughter more richer with an imaginary book about nothing.

John McCain’s 24-year-old daughter Meghan has a book deal! Sources say Hyperion has prevailed over at least three other publishers in an auction that began earlier this week, following a round of meetings during which the in-your-face young conservative and the literary agent she shares with her father, Sterling Lord Literistic president Flip Brophy, discussed a number of possible approaches to the book with editors around town.

Several sources said the advance Ms. McCain will receive from Hyperion, which is owned by the Disney Company, is in the high six figures.

This is real world pornography. It is a pornographic real world situation in New York.

It's the Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, John Podhoretz, Kagan & Bush family method of achievement.

What's next, Cheney's kids will get government jobs?

Oh wait.

At least the nation's African-American Republicans, all six of them, get their FoxNews gigs without using their parents connections - just their genetics.

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