Comes Erick disowned son of Erick asserting yet more stories of how to govern by analogy:
I was talking to a golf course owner the other day who has members of his golf course applying for jobs at his golf course that he knows they are not going to do just because they want to keep getting their unemployment benefits and have a little more vacation.
How many GOP stereotypes can you find promulgated in that little odious paragraph of picking on the less fortunate?
I do believe it's a dense slice of Republican life.
These guys have no problem throwing tens of billions on building the F-22 Raptor a jet this country doesn't need and raise hell when it gets canceled, and are all for throwing down $14 billion on a new aircraft carrier when we already have eleven when no one else has even 2 except the UK, and no nation's single carrier can match one tenth the power of a single Nimitz-class ship. But God forbid we don't build the USS Gerald Ford (just don't name one after the Clenis).
But some poor schmuck get a couple hundred bucks a week when they lose their job through no fault of their own, "Well fuck that guy!"
(pic from here)
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