Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I do believe we've met the whiniest fucker on earth

No it isn't John Roberts, though it's not a bad nomination. Nor is it Liz Cheney...but Marc Thiessen, who naturally is in league with her.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Marc Thiessen Extended Interview Pt. 1
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Just to add one more thing. Notice when Thiessen quotes people he calls "extremist", he doesn't actually quote them, rather he sticks buzzwords into the quotes to recreate them.

This is the kind of intellectual dishonesty that gets you kicked off junior high debate teams -- but in the modern Village, it gets you hired and feted as a WaPo columnist.


sukabi said...

Saw that segment earlier... couldn't believe what a whiny little bitch Thiessen was... he did nothing but talk over Stewart and then bitched that Stewart tried to get a word in to rebut his nonsense.

Montag said...

If Thiessen were in a similar difficulty with the Justice Dept., he'd be screaming for every twist on every law he could manage.

That's what this is about--people like Thiessen think they deserve what others don't. That's contrary to the Constitution for which Thiessen has no respect, just like his fuckin' bosses.

I really want Thiessen and his bosses arrested, and then to make the same case for themselves that they have made for the people in Guantanamo.

That would be a hoot. I'd pay money to get into that court hearing....

StonyPillow said...

So that's the famous Marc Thiessenof the Washington Post. Jon should have used "enhanced interrogation techniques" on that POS. I'd buy that for a dollar.

DanF said...

I thought Stewart did an excellent take down of this POS.

pansypoo said...

stewart was so unfair for questioning his premises. unlike the other gnews that let him yap on.

what a dick. and fat too.