Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Well, I guess it's better than his usual masturbation choice

Snuff porn:

Michael Goldfarb...is working for Liz Cheney now...

“I was excited about Palin; I’m more excited about Liz. The same sort of excitement you get when you hear her father, except she’s this petite blonde with five kids … There’s just something about her… You have a little crush on her. It’s hard not to.”

How starbursty!

Maybe Rich Lowry and Michael Goldfarb should contemplate having sex someday...if they look hard enough and have enough booze around, they may even be able to not have to pay for it.

Perhaps if they went out together.


StonyPillow said...

Get your reptile thang on.

Montag said...

Jaysus, I guess it is fashionable in this country again to be publicly fascist, oops, a Cheney lover again....

JDM said...

KKKhrist on a kkkracker, he's a repulsive little dweeb:


jimmiraybob said...

Having once been a 16 myself I do understand the overpowering influence that the penis can have*.

How old are these guys?

*Warning: if an erection caused by a political figure lasts more than four hours apply copious amounts of ice and call your doctor immediately.

rapier said...

Could somebody to a portrait of Liz 'Baby Dick' Cheney?. A kitten with a whip sort of thing with a strap on. Her fan boys will appreciate it.

pansypoo said...

FIVE kids????? i thought she and her girlfriend had 1!

jimmiraybob said...

Pansypoo, You're thinking of Mary Cheney. The ostensibly more normal one.

pansypoo said...

but the putz mentioned 5 . OMG. even more cheeney?

Anonymous said...

I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?