Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What else you have to apologize for old german guys?

Sad to see the guy who enforced silence on allegations of child abuse for the last Pope and then managed to get made Pope has yet another stain on the Church.

...the liaison between Roman Catholic bishops and the German government, also praised the pope's brother, the Rev. Georg Ratzinger, for apologizing to victims on Tuesday for doing nothing decades ago to stop the beating of students.

The Ratzinger Brothers...serving in Hitler's Wehrmacht, beating children, prostitution, silencing those who protested child abuse...always taking the BRAVE and MORAL position no matter the risks ... as soon as it is convenient and if they get caught.


That's the moral leadership you expect out of a religious leader, y'know like Jimmy Swaggert.



Cervantes said...

The Catholic Church is a leading contender for most evil institution on the planet.

Anonymous said...

As was the Bush Administration.
Catholic leaders enjoy the privileges of power, especially popes, as they are unable to be wrong, putting them above good and evil.
Unfortunately most human beans are less eager about accepting responsibility for their mistakes and foul deeds.

Major Woody said...

Look, I'm an atheist so I may be way off base here, but surely even the religious can see the dangers of the type of authority they give to their leaders? What I mean is, let's assume the priesthood is meant for well-meaning, pious individuals who believe they have a calling from god to minister to others. This calling gives them a special status with rights and privileges above and beyond those of "normal" people, right? Wouldn't it make sense that some proportion of them would not be people who really believe in what they are doing, but charlatans who see an easy route to power and influence.

In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the pastors are less likely to be devout than their flock. I expect a truly religious person would probably wonder if he or she was really doing their god's will, or was truly worthy to be a preacher. If I didn't care about being dishonest, I'd want to know about the benefits, 401K, vacations, retirement, etc, and if it seemed good enough I could spout any mumbo jumbo the job description required.

What I'm saying is, I'm never surprised when some religious leader is found to be a hypocrite or a crook. I just figure there's another non-believer who's a lot more cynical than I am.

pansypoo said...

i never thought the 'decameron' as fiction.

Montag said...

The Catholic church has become increasingly irrelevant, and these little demonstrations show that the church hierarchy is finally figuring that out.

They can scream all they want about their role in the world as Great Moral Arbiters, but, everyone knows that's a crock of shit.

They're increasingly dominated by reactionaries and have been having little flings with fascists ever since the revolution by the Bolsheviks. Nothing to recommend them ever since they did their best to squelch the nascent liberation theology movement in the church.

Anonymous said...

It's the shoes, man! The Devil wears Prada.