But I suppose the poor Duggar kids only know about Jim Bob's version of "God's Law":
Jana, 20, and Jill, 19, oversee cooking all the meals, changing diapers, homeschooling their siblings, giving haircuts and washing the clothes they make themselves. Every minute of the eldest girls’ days is taken up by chores, or “jurisdictions,” which Michelle assigns.
But, as Star reports in our Aug. 23 issue, a weary Jana is beginning to crack under the pressure. “For the past few months, I’ve just really been struggling with attitudes toward different family members,” Jana admits, saying she has asked the Lord to help her find strength.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there is an end in sight as Michelle and Jim Bob, who do not believe in birth control, say they are ready for Baby #20. Though the older Duggar boys enjoy the freedom to work outside the home, it seems that the girls don’t have many options to escape the burden of raising their parent's children.
Perfect photo, Atta. Just perfect.
I've said it here before: They've finished having healthy kids and now won't stop until they have a baby for each disability.
Vile people.
It's criminal that they've enslaved their children to their selfishness. They've stolen their oldest children's lives, and taken any hope away from them.... their sons and daughters should be working on building their own lives and families, instead of taking care of their parent's responsibilities.
the sad thing is, is these girls could very well snap and do something very stupid as a last resort bid at freedom...
and what the fuck are the parents doing besides fucking, if they've got their oldest kids taking care of all the chores including raising their siblings?
Where is Child Protective Services, and why isn't someone looking out for those kids?
Lest we forget: the classic Duggars photo:
It's not a clown car.
and what the fuck are the parents doing besides fucking, if they've got their oldest kids taking care of all the chores including raising their siblings?
Given the rate of new births in the household, I suspect that the mother spends her time in one of three stages - pregnant, recovering from pregnancy, and working to get pregnant.
In stage 1 she's still finishing up taking care of the baby from the previous cycle before handing it off to the older kids to take care of some short time before the new one shows up. In stage 2 she's breastfeeding and generally doing nothing but taking care of the new baby. In stage 3 she's still taking care of the baby, but is also actively working to get pregnant again. Then it's back to stage 1.
I've watched families like this - though not this extreme. They're nuts. I suspect that it's a combination of sexual fetishes and constant need for an infant mixed with a whole lot of messed-up religion that causes the parents to act this way - don't discount the sexual fetish angle here and chalk it all up to weird religion. Nobody stays pregnant all the time without some kind of fetish going on in their heads. The parents clearly have no desire to raise "children" - they did that a few times and they're done with that. At best they want to have an infant - and then pass it on to someone else when the time comes for things like potty training, teaching the kid to read, and generally all the things that parents are supposed to actually do.
They're fucked up people. I feel bad for the brainwashed kids stuck in the family. I was the oldest of 5 and had to help raise my youngest two brothers and that was bad enough even with my parents taking their roles as parents seriously. I can't imagine what it would be like to be the kid of this pair of degenerate, whacked out, pregnant-fetish cultists.
reminds me of munchausen by proxy syndrome. every time this couple pops out a new one, they get rewarded with all kinds of attention.
warren buffet once admitted his sisters were smarter than he. the difference though was that they were held to a different [lower] expectation. what a loss of potential. something to be mourned both for the sake of girls and the cost that blunts a culture's progress.
Silly Attaturk. There is no age of majority for Xtianist girls, who remain chattel to their fathers until they marry, when they are transferred to their husbands.
child abuse. and why not get free babysitters.
cheap wage republikkklans.
No question about it... there are arranged marriages to deranged cracker assholes just like dear ol' Daddy Jim Bob in those girls' futures.
Gettin' `em trained right fer some lucky fella.
For their sake, I hope they can make a successful prison break soon....
If you haven't read the story of Vyckie Garrison Bennett, a Quiverfull apostate, you must. Follow the links here.
Your except pretty much describes the grueling life of these women: nonstop childbirth, pregnancy, childcare, household chores, pregnancy, childcare, chores, etc etc etc. Eventually Vyckie's daughter attempted suicide and she realized (I love this part): "I could have kids in the psych ward for a lot less effort.”
Quiverfull, and I do beleive the Duggar's are part of that movement, is a cult. Plain and simple. It's a shame that our media/entertainment complex feels the need to hold these folks up as curiosities for family TV night consumption. They are not. They are tragedies.
Southern Beale, that's a depressing and horrifying article you linked to.... ugh!
I'm missing something: they are grown adults-19 and 20.
If they aren't leaving they are either being held against their will, or its their choice.
If its the former, then call the police. If its the latter, its really none of our business, no?
I mean, I'd be pretty pissed off if they told me how *I* had to live.
In a recent article about bringing the premie baby girl home after 6 months in the hospital Michelle complained that she hadn't been able to sleep because ALL of the care and well being of the baby fell to her and it was intimidating.
Michelle probably has more free time than most mothers of 2 or 3 children.
in the good old days when women were breeding like rabbits, many children did not survive or the women died.
Though the older Duggar boys enjoy the freedom to work outside the home, it seems that the girls don’t have many options to escape the burden of raising their parent's children.
Dear Duggar girls,
Contact me through Dr. Atta J. and we'll get you to freedom somehow.
I've never had the stomach to watch their reality show, do these children get a chance at an education? And I'm not talking home schooling.
If they aren't leaving they are either being held against their will, or its their choice.
If its the former, then call the police. If its the latter, its really none of our business, no?
It's called "brainwashing". It's what cults do. On top of the normal cult brainwashing, imagine the emotional baggage - the oldest kid (at least the oldest girl) has basically raised at least half the younger kids, maybe more. As far as emotional ties go it's as if she became a mother somewhere at age 10 to an ever growing family. She may even want to leave, but she's been brainwashed into thinking it's her duty to stay and the burden of motherhood placed on her could easily make the emotional ties to the younger babies hard to abandon. Would you feel comfortable abandoning a dozen children to the tender mercies of the freaks that are the two Duggar parents-according-to-biology?
It's a common enough thing that happens to a minor degree in large familys of 5-8 kids - I can only imagine what happens when that scales up to 20 kids and the parents are actually freaks who have been ordered by God to constantly breed.
Besides, when Mom's plumbing finally wears out, the older girls need to be around to keep popping out Dad's offspring. There is OT precedent to uphold.
If its the former, then call the police. If its the latter, its really none of our business, no?
Brainwashed people really don't have much free will, do they?
It's a cult. Imagine if it was YOUR kids abduceted by the Moonies.
No sympathy. They are idiots.
but they are breeding MORE idiots.
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