Glenn Beck and his Association of SPF-500 users can have their "rally" on the anniversary and in the same place as Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech" yet demand any member of an entire religious faith cannot build on the site of an abandoned Burlington Coat Factory.
his Association of SPF-500 users
It doesn't get whiter than that.
What's the Tea Bagger's take on the Confederate stars and bars - the flag that flies over state capitols? I'll bet they also think that it should be relocated to storage because of its offensiveness. I'll bet.
"you can build a Catholic Church next to a playground. Should you?" - John Oliver
oh, the next few weeks should be interesting.
1. refud-, uh, repudiate the meme that wtc site is 'hallowed' ground...
as i've commented elsewhere: we Certified White Hats (tm) have 'consecrated' innumerable places where we have martyred innocents...
we would not have a patch of dirt to stand on if we started designating all the 'hallowed' ground where we have murdered, and not building on it or using it...
2. refuse to accept that the tragic human loss of nine one one families allows them to determine whether this mosque-ish building should be built there...
(whether they are fer, or a'gin)
oddly enough, when they were originally screaming for proper investigations of nine one one, etc, the nine one one families did not matter... (when their voices were *most* rational and appropriate!)
again: their loss gives them no special insight or valid opinions regarding anything except dealing with the death of loved ones...
quite the opposite: their opinions are not objective, and do not serve society at large, only their own emotions...*
3. i am near where some fundie idjits are planning on a fahrenheit 451 party for the koran...
thought i'd go buy some bibles and see if that would add fuel to the fire...
hee hee hee
ho ho ho
ha ha ha
ak ak ak
*with the exception of the 'activist' families who did not take the bribe and/or continued investigating and pushing on their own, *those* nine one one families are True Patriots and Most Excellent Citizens, dude...
art guerrilla
aka ann archy
you're going to get hate mail from lolcat people.
i look forward to the self incriminating placards at this rally.
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