Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Serf chat

This seems a bit like what noble would have said to a nameless peasant.
“You know, we have young people who are today occupying Wall Street, that there are some people out there that are making too much money,” the Texas governor said at an education forum in Des Moines, Iowa. “And if somebody were to ask me what the best advice that I could give them? It would be that money is probably the most highly overrated thing in the world.”
Which is apparently why the rich should be able to keep more of it by paying less taxes.


DanF said...

Money in a capitalist society is over-rated? Is Rick Perry saying, "All we need is love?" DFHer.

jimmiraybob said...

That's more Commie-Marxist than anything I've heard Obama say. But in reality he's probably just trying to prime the hoped-for new serf class for life at the bottom where exchange will be done in chickens, goats, daughters, and obligatory military duty to local land owners and banks.

Quite the trick the rabid TeavangelicalBirchPublicans are trying to pull off, establishing a new ruling aristocracy on the backs of the founders who abhorred the idea of aristocracy. Go Tea Party!

DrDick said...

money is probably the most highly overrated thing in the world.

Which, of course, is why he and all the other rich fucks scream bloody murder and go ballistic whenever we suggest raising their taxes by 3%.

pansypoo said...

if only so many NEED MORE.