Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So much for the legacy of delicious lunchroom Catsup!

Republicans say Terry Schiavo can be diagnosed as sentient over video, but Pizza is demonstrably a vegetable.


bbbustard said...

Thank you - as you show so often - another demonstration of brilliance that far outshines any diamond Newt may have given #3. (Can Rick Perry name Newts wives? Will he remember only two??)

Montag said...

Ah, yes, tomato sauce is like catsup....

If they can't get Ronnie Raygun's face on Mt. Rushmore, the least they can do is revive his administration's worst PR fiascos.

DrDick said...

Yet another of those granf Republican traditions established by St. Ronnie the Senile.

pansypoo said...

i never ever ate school pizza. and luckily didn't eat hot lunches, unless they had my favorite. the HS lunches were even worse.