Friday, November 11, 2011

These Mustache Rides are Unendorsed

Oh of all the afflictions to come upon Herman Cain, truly this is the one that hits closest to home:
In a devastating blow to businessman Herman Cain's presidential ambitions, the American Mustache Institute...announced it was rescinding its official endorsement of the GOP field's only mustachioed candidate.
Suddenly, John Bolton and his bold economic plan of bombing Iran so hard it makes the loose change bounce out of America's cushions may be back in the race.

But fear not Herman, Erick Erickson is ready to be interviewed over dinner anytime. Plus, while your campaign may be sinking, your ability to pilfer gullible wallets on your last-ditch vanity tour remains impressive.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


StonyPillow said...

Terry Jones is rested and ready to pick up the slack.

pansypoo said...

can the push out bolton soon enough to avert the mittens anointment?