Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Bring back ye olde wire hanger

Having used evangelicals to win Iowa, Rick Santorum is appealing, somewhat successfully, to the same Midwestern strain in Minnesota. How? With rhetoric like this:
Look at what’s happened just in our tolerance for abortion. Fifty years ago…60 years ago, people who did abortions were in the shadows, people who were considered really bad doctors. Now, abortion is something to that is just accepted.
Yes, make it illegal again and make sure women and their lady-parts who get pregnant have to go back to an era of quacks and wire hangers. That'll teach 'em to be women. No wonder these guys are so popular outside the base. [cross-posted at Firedoglake]


StonyPillow said...

The vice presidency isn't worth a bucket of warm Santorum.

StonyPillow said...

BTW, wire coat hangers can be folded to fit iinto a Priority Mail envelope, and sent to:

Yoplait c/o General Mills, Inc.
P.O. Box 9452
Minneapolis, MN 55440

Anonymous said...

You mean "bad doctors" like the one Mrs. Santorum lived in sin with for six years? My, how times have changed.

pansypoo said...

butbutbut they are AWESOME on fux gnews.