Saturday, February 04, 2012

How dare you liberals have an opinion

Those are for conservative assholes only! It's in the First Amendment. Charities are sovereign entities beyond the reach of opinion and in sole discretion of how they spend their money...unless of course they support liberal causes.


StonyPillow said...

I'm with John Cole on this one. This needs to be an object lesson in pain, not only "for anyone else who wants to try some bullshit like this in the future" but mostly because it's a good team building exercise. As our friends at Yoplait like to say, "crushing and grinding 'em good".

Keep up the skeer. Start with Yoplait.

Anonymous said...


And don't forget to mention to your conservative friends that SGK pays their CEO $500,000 per year, while the president of the USA gets only $450,000....

pansypoo said...
