Saturday, February 04, 2012

I would have posted earlier about the involvement

Of Ari Fleischer in advising the Susan B. Komen Foundation in cutting ties to Planned Parenthood -- ruining years of goodwill in one monumentally stupid decision...

But I've been far too busy laughing about it.


StonyPillow said...

I'll bet Ari was behind the Tebow marketing effort for the National Faith League, too.

Man has the merde touch.

frankly said...

Figures it would be someone from the Boy Blunder maladministration. That boy & his crew have the anti-Midas touch, everything they touch turns to shit

pansypoo said...

how much money did they PAY him?

Anonymous said...

Another BushFail(TM).
Perhaps we should start a branded Brown Ribbon campaign for the everything-turns-to-shit assministration and its ideologe hack incompetent minions.
We could hold charity walks "GW Bush Administration Race For the Fail" and keep 3/4 of the funds for lavish administrator salaries and suing trademark violators.

Grung_e_Gene said...

'Attaturk better watch who he laughs at and watch what he says...' Ari Flesicher

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs! said...

Commenter "thebewilderness" over at Digby's Hullabaloo nails it:

If you wanted to design a charity that provided high publicity tax write offs for the corporations that produce cancer causing products and cancer treatment tools and medications while spending very little "for the cure" and a great deal to prevent any other charity from raising money "for the cure". All this while paying yourself generously and your volunteers nothing. Komen would be the blueprint to follow.